This is a kind and a happy dog. He has mastered one of the basic dog skills -retrieving a stick or a toy and nothing will stop him. Timbo is an adult at about four years old.
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This is a young playful dog, and the brother of little Kiryusha. He gets along with other dogs perfectly, however, he likes having a scrap with Kiryusha sometimes. Boot is about one year old.
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One-year old Kashtan has the best reputation among his shelter mates. Being a daring pooch, he however never spoils for a fight.
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Chernysh (Blackie) is a hard luck dog. He lost a part of his hind paw in a trap. Chernysh walks with a slight limp and needs a surgery on the paw.
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Butch is a Welsh Corgi Pembroke mix. He’s affectionate, kind and good-natured dog.