This is a six-month old puppy who lives in the kennel together with her sisters Gekta, Vita and Khvostik. They like walking, rolling on the grass, chasing each other and swimming in the creek.
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Jack is a real star of the shelter! He used to live in a tent circus but then escaped it and found its home on the outskirts of Sochi, in Baranovka village.
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Butch is a Welsh Corgi Pembroke mix. He’s affectionate, kind and good-natured dog.
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This dog is active and joyful. Despite her injured hind leg she will not let anybody down on a walk.
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Zholty (Yellow)
This is a marvellous dog! In the picture you can see his big smile. He loves walking and is not yet accustomed to a lead. He is friendly with other dogs and loves affection. He is about three.
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This cutie and her three-week old puppies were thrown out into the rain. Now she is in our kennel hoping for a new home.